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DPM Museum School for Adults - The Art of Making

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Museum School

“The Art of” is our 2025 theme for workshops to bring museum-quality but user-friendly skills and information to our patrons.

Over the course of 4 Saturdays, learn the art of a variety of topics. From digitizing your images to learning about heritage arts, Museum School is a great way to get started preserving and creating your history. Join us for Saturdays in March for a variety of topics for ages 16 and up!

Register here:

The Art of Making – March 29th 1:30 – 3:30 PM

Registration Fee $20 

Why should the kids at summer art camp have all the fun? Our resident artist will present two hands-on projects that will bring out your inner artist in a fun and accessible format. Learn about the processes people have used in the past to create items and give it a try yourself! We will be learning about two different methods of creation. All fun and no expectations of perfection! All skill levels welcome.

Wear clothing you won’t mind getting dirty!