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County Events

Museum School

“The Art of” is our 2025 theme for workshops to bring museum-quality but user-friendly skills and information to our patrons.

Over the course of 4 Saturdays, learn the art of a variety of topics. From digitizing your images to learning about heritage arts, Museum School is a great way to get started preserving and creating your history. Join us for Saturdays in March for a variety of topics for ages 16 and up!

Register here: 

The Art of Preserving Images – March 8th 1:30 – 3:00

Registration Fee $10 

Learn how to identify types of photographs, negatives and slides and how to best store each type. Take steps towards digitizing your images and learn a variety of ways to do so. Find out what kinds of equipment are used to digitize an image. Is editing your photo necessary? See some examples of photo restoration and find resources to restore an image yourself or
with a professional.

Bring with you a photograph, negative, or slide you would like to preserve. Please keep the size to under 8 x 10.

Museum School

“The Art of” is our 2025 theme for workshops to bring museum-quality but user-friendly skills and information to our patrons.

Over the course of 4 Saturdays, learn the art of a variety of topics. From digitizing your images to learning about heritage arts, Museum School is a great way to get started preserving and creating your history. Join us for Saturdays in March for a variety of topics for ages 16 and up!

Register here: 

The Art of Preserving Digital Media – March 15th 1:30 – 3:00 PM

Registration Fee $10 

Hear from a digital records expert, all about what you need to preserve, store, and convert audio, video, VHS, reel-to-reel and cassette tapes. Learn what kinds of machines are used and what types of cables and cords go where. “How do I store these files?” “How should I back these files up?” These questions and more will be answered!

Museum School

“The Art of” is our 2025 theme for workshops to bring museum-quality but user-friendly skills and information to our patrons.

Over the course of 4 Saturdays, learn the art of a variety of topics. From digitizing your images to learning about heritage arts, Museum School is a great way to get started preserving and creating your history. Join us for Saturdays in March for a variety of topics for ages 16 and up!



The Art of Heritage Arts – March 22nd 1:00 – 4:00 PM

Free & Open to the Public

A heritage arts faire featuring booths from area groups, watch and ask questions about quilting, carding, felting, knitting/crocheting, beading, weaving/looming, cross-stitch, and more! 
Connect with members of our local community who keep the traditions of the heritage arts alive. Are you a maker of a heritage art? Find out how you can volunteer your knowledge and get involved. Give us a call.

Free and open to the public!

Museum School

“The Art of” is our 2025 theme for workshops to bring museum-quality but user-friendly skills and information to our patrons.

Over the course of 4 Saturdays, learn the art of a variety of topics. From digitizing your images to learning about heritage arts, Museum School is a great way to get started preserving and creating your history. Join us for Saturdays in March for a variety of topics for ages 16 and up!

Register here:

The Art of Making – March 29th 1:30 – 3:30 PM

Registration Fee $20 

Why should the kids at summer art camp have all the fun? Our resident artist will present two hands-on projects that will bring out your inner artist in a fun and accessible format. Learn about the processes people have used in the past to create items and give it a try yourself! We will be learning about two different methods of creation. All fun and no expectations of perfection! All skill levels welcome.

Wear clothing you won’t mind getting dirty!