Assistance Application for Funeral; Burial; or Cremation MUST BE Approved or Denied BEFORE Any Funeral Home Preparation.
Brown County expects payment for funeral/burial/cremation to come from the following sources: (a) The deceased’s estate (b) the deceased’s spouse, if any (c) the deceased’s nearest adult relative(s): adult children/adult siblings/parent/grandparent/adult grandchildren, etc.
When applying for welfare assistance for a funeral/burial/cremation, the applicant(s) must provide:
❖ For the Deceased:
• A completed Brown County Assistance Application along with the following:
• A driver’s license and social security card or other proof of identity
• A lease agreement, voter registration, or other proof of Brown County residency
• A current copy of bank statement(s) showing balance, for all accounts owned by the deceased
• List/documentation of any and all property owned by the deceased (home/land/vehicles etc.)
• A copy of any life or burial insurance naming the deceased as the insured
• Proof of income; current pay stub(s)/ copy of social security award letter/ most recent tax return
• Last 90 days of bills paid (utility, insurance, credit card, car payment, etc.)
❖ Spouse, if any:
• The completed Brown County Assistance Application with deceased & spouse’s information along with the following: (a separate application will need to be filled out if living separately from spouse)
• A driver’s license and social security card or other proof of identity
• A lease agreement, if different than spouse, voter registration, or other proof of Brown County residency
• A current copy of bank statement(s) showing balance, for all accounts owned by spouse/deceased
• A list/documentation of any and all property owned by the spouse/deceased (home/land/vehicles etc.)
• A copy of any life or burial insurance naming the spouse as the beneficiary
• Proof of income; current pay stub(s)/ copy of social security award letter/ most recent tax return
• Last 90 days of bills paid (utility, insurance, credit card, car payment, etc.)
❖ Nearest Adult Relative(s): (Responsible ADULT Individuals of the Deceased include the following):
Parent(s); Sibling(s); Child / Children; Grandparent(s) etc.
• A completed Brown County Assistance Application along with the following:
• A driver’s license and social security card or other proof of identity
• A current copy of bank statement(s) showing balance(s), for all accounts owned
• A list/documentation of any and all property owned (home/land/vehicle(s) etc.)
• A copy of life or burial insurance naming deceased as insured and individual as a beneficiary
• Proof of income; current pay stub(s)/ copy of social security award letter/ most recent tax return
• Last 90 days of bills paid (utility, insurance, credit card, car payment, etc.